The Problem We Are Solving

India is the world’s third-largest oil consumer, where the transport sector guzzles 40% of diesel sold. We are one of the world’s most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters, amongst countries in terms of the world’s worst air quality and resultant health hazards.

Natural Gas is becoming the first choice of alternate fuel for Commercial Vehicles due to the continuously rising diesel prices, tightening of vehicular emission standards, and ramping of infrastructure by the Government of India.

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Benefits of Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel:

  • Low greenhouse gas emitter
  • Burns clean without residue
  • Reduces the fuel bill and operating costs of your vehicles
  • Much quieter engine performance

Presenting Amol Prala Diesel to Natural Gas Conversion Kits

  • We Offer Two Options, Depending Upon Your Preference:
    • Option 1: Replacing your old diesel engine with a New/Recon Gas Engine
    • Option 2: Modification of your old diesel engine to operate on CNG/LNG

Business Case
Cost-Benefit Analysis/year


  • Mileage
  • Daily Running km.
  • Days of operation
  • Total km./year
  • Diesel consumption
  • Apprx. cost/litre or kg. (INR)
  • Total cost (INR)
  • Savings (INR) Per annum
  • Additional Cost (INR)
  • - Maintenance (BS4)
  • - Theft

Diesel Vehicle

  • 3km./Litre
  • 200
  • 300
  • 60,000
  • 20,000 litres
  • Rs.95
  • 19,00,000
  • Nil
  • --
  • 12.000 - 20,000
  • Regular

CNG Vehicle

  • 3km./kg
  • 200
  • 300
  • 60,000
  • 20,000 kg.
  • Rs. 67
  • 13,40,4000
  • 5,60,000
  • --
  • NIL
  • NIL
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